Friday, April 9, 2010

I wonder!

It's hard to get
everything you desire..
it's even harder to understand
people around you..
life and relations
both are complicated…

Quest is to stay happy..
whatsoever may come..
life will deliver you happiness
only if you give it happiness...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Down the memory lane...

All over in my memory lane
you are there
can recall walking to school,
holding your hand
climbing up on your shoulders
being the biggest cheater
cause I know you will support me...

Asking for that pretty doll,
waiting for your birthday present,
when you are not around,
and even mistaking someone else for you...

asking mom to make your fav dish
when you are back from outstation,
cause we shared our favorites’
fighting with all,
telling then you love me n only me...

Ever ready to listen to those,
cute jingles you made for me,
recognizing you by Mustache
even while sleeping...

yes you were the bestest
I wish you were around
to be with mom,
to enjoy the joys you deserved,
for we to still live carefree
knowing you are around...

I miss you...
You still are the bestest...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Face it?

It is hard to admit,
the truth to our heart,
it's harder to admit,
our sins to our soul…

Life goes on, time pass by,
we keep on covering ourselves
in that hard shell,
anything can penetrate
but not hint of our true self…

It's hard to see the right image
without any mask,
without any veil,
life is a big masquerade party
shadows moving all around…

At times it does strikes
strikes to that little corner of our brain
where some pure blood stays for a while
to tell the truth…

but it's hard to tell,
so we search a secret keeper
that almighty or someone else
to create another myth of confession…

maybe someday we will gain courage to
face it - the saint or devil inside.
but will that happen?
When will we get the vision to see it?
and be brave enough to face it......